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Британская разведка во времена холодной войны. Секретные операции МИ-5 и МИ-6 - Колдер Уолтон

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11 Ben Macintyre, «The Truth Will Out», The Times (10 мая 2011); Ben Macintyre, «Mau Mau and So Much More», The Times (16 апр. 2011); Ben Macintyre, «Brutal Beatings and the «Roasting Alive» of a Suspect: What Secret Mau Mau Files Reveal» (13 апр. 2011); Banton, «Destroy?», «Migrate?», «Conceal?»: British strategies for the disposal of sensitive records of colonial administrations at independence».

12 Ian Cobain and Richard Norton-Taylor, «The Secrets that Shamed the Last Days of Empire», Guardian (18 Apr 2012); Ben Macintyre, «A Mistake or Murder in Cold Blood?» The Times (28 апр. 2012); Mutua and others v Foreign and Commonwealth Office [2011] EWHC 1913 (QB).

Глава 1

Тайны Виктории

1 Kipling, Kim. P. 194–195.

2 Nielson and McKercher, Go Spy the Land; Johnson, Spying for Empire

3 Bayly, Empire and Information; Satia, Spies in Arabia; Brendon, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire. P. 328; Hyam, Britain’s Declining Empire. P. 10.

4 Ferris, «Before «Room 40»: The British Empire and Signals Intelligence 1898–1914»; Jeffries, The Colonial Office. P. 29–31.

5 Edney, Mapping an Empire; Anderson, Imagined Communities Ch. 10, «Census, Map, Museum»; Scott, Seeing Like a State (1998); Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 525; Thomas, Empires of Intelligence.

6 Callwell, Small Wars; Andrew, Secret Service. P. 30–34; Boot, The Savage Wars of Peace. P. 112.

7 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 21–28.

8 The National Archives London [TNA] CAB 16/232 The setting up of a Secret Service Bureau (28 апр. 1909); WO 106/6292 «Memorandum re. formation of a S.S. Bureau» (26 авг. 1909); Jeffery, MI6. P. 13–15, 42-5.

9 Raeff, «The Well Ordered Police State»; Andrew, Secret Service. P. 21–65.

10 Curry, The Security Service. P. 41; TNA WO 106/6292 «Memorandum re. formation of a S.S. Bureau» (26 Aug 1909); The 9/11 Commission: Final Report of the National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.

11 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 3–4; Jeffery, MI6. P. 12–15.

12 Holquist, «Information is the Alpha and the Omega of our Work»; Curry, The Security Service. P. 98; TNA INF 4/9 General Staff Paper: «The Organization of the Services of Military Secrecy, Security and Publicity» (окт. 1917). P. 44; WO 32/10776 Historical Sketch of the Directorate of Military Intelligence in the Great War of 1914–1918; KV 1/73 MI9 Testing Department.

13 Ellis, Eye Deep in Hell; Ferguson, Empire. P. 301—3; Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory.

14 Ferguson, Empire. P. 298–303; Buchan, Greenmantle. P. 12: «Мы смеялись над Священной войной – джихадом, которую пророчил этот старик von der Goltz [военная миссия Германии в Турции]. Но мне кажется, что этот глупый старик в очках был прав. Готовится джихад».

15 «The German Emperor in the East», The Times (23 нояб. 1898); Pipes, A Concise History of the Russian Revolution. P. 115—18; Boghardt, Spies of the Kaiser. P. 12–13.

16 Popplewell, Intelligence and Imperial Defence. P. 178–179; Ferguson, Empire. P. 303.

17 Popplewell, Intelligence and Imperial Defence. P. 219–221; Barooah, Chatto: The Life and Times of an Anti-Imperialist in Europe; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 90–91.

18 TNA KV 1/19 «D-Branch Report». P. 13; Basil Thomson, Queer People. P. 103; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 92–93.

19 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 93; Lowes, «British intelligence in India from the First World War to Independence».

20 TNA KV 1/19 D-Branch Report. P. 13; Popplewell, Intelligence and Imperial Defence. P. 221.

21 Mohs, Military Intelligence and the Arab Revolt: The First Modern Intelligence War. P. 2, 68–73, 120–123, 125–129.

22 Там же, p. 88–91.

23 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 15; Andrew, Secret Service.

24 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 86–90; Dudgen, Roger Casement – The Black Diaries.. P. 481–485; O’Halpin, «British Intelligence in Ireland» in Andrew and Dilks (eds), The Missing Dimension. P. 59–61.

25 Curry, The Security Service. P. 38, 80; TNA KV 1/65 «Control of Aliens»; Panayi, The Enemy in Our Midst; Panayi (ed.), Minorities in Wartime; Fitzpatrick, «The Civil War as Formative Experience» in Gleason, Kenez and Stites (eds), Bolshevik Culture. P. 57–76; Mommsen, «Militar und zivile Militisierung in Deutschland, 1914 bis 1938» in Frevert, Militar und Gesellschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. P. 265–276; Holquist, Making War and Forging Revolution; Nicolai, The German Secret Service. P. 265–267; KV 4/222 «Policy and procedure for imposition of Home Office Warrants» s. 22a: H.R. Scott, Home Office, to V.G.W. Kell (29 июня 1926); Ibid. s. 25a: Major Ball to H.R. Scott, Home Office (16 июля 1926).

26 Curry, The Security Service. P. 80; Lenin, Essential Works of Lenin. P. 237, 239; Petrie, Communism in India 1924–1927; Andrew and Mi-trokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive vol. II везде.

27 British Library [BL] London IOR L/P&J/12/34 IPI Financial Arrangements s. 2 IPI letter (13 янв. 1926); IOR L/P&J/12/38 IPI’s Office Accommodation s. 3 IPI to Sir A. Hirtzel, India Office (13 июня 1924); там же IPI’s Office Accommodation s. 28 IPI to Peel [IO] (14.12.28); «Sir Philip Vickery», Who Was Who (издание онлайн доступно с 1 июня 2011).

28 TNA KV 4/222 «Policy and procedure for imposition of Home Office Warrants»; KV 4/19 «Report on the Operations of A.D.A, in connection with the Administrative Services of the Security Service during the war 1939–1945», Appendix IV «Technical Equipment»; Curry The Security Service. P. 23; cf. Wright, Spycatcher. P. 54: «На протяжении пяти лет мы прослушивали и незаконно проникали в помещения по всему миру от имени государства, в то время как напыщенные гражданские служащие в шляпах-котелках на Уайтхолле делали вид, что смотрят в другую сторону».

29 Masters, The Man Who Was M; TNA KV 4/227 «History of the operations of M.S. (agents) during the war 1939–1945». P. 32; KV 2/1022 «Statement of «X» the statement of the informant in this case» (25 янв. 1938). P. 1—230 «Official Secrets Case», The Times (8 фев. 1938); Quinlan, «Human intelligence operations and MI5 tradecraft in Britain». P. 178–179.

31 West, MASK: MI5’s Penetration of the Communist Party of Great Britain везде.

32 IOR L/P&J/12/348 «Meerut Conspiracy Case: Scotland Yard officers proceeding to India as witnesses» s. 27a: «List of original telegrams» и везде; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 137–138.

33 Curry, The Security Service. P. 54; «Sir Eric Holt-Wilson», Who Was Who (издание онлайн доступно с 1 июня 2011); Imperial War Museum London [IWML] Kell Mss. Holt-Wilson «Security Intelligence in War» (1934); Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 138.

34 Cambridge University Library [CUL] Add 9794/2/72 Eric Holt-Wilson to Audrey Holt-Wilson, Bombay (1 апр. 1938); «Sir Eric Holt-Wilson», Who Was Who (издание онлайн доступно с 1 июня 2011).

35 CUL Add 9794/2/75 Eric Holt-Wilson to Audrey Holt-Wilson, Singapore (10 апр. 1938); там же Eric Holt-Wilson to Audrey Holt-Wilson, Government House, Hong Kong (28 апр. 1938).

36 Gwynn, Imperial Policing; Anderson and Killingray, «An orderly retreat?» in Anderson and Killingray, Policing and Decolonisation. P. 1–21.

37 Jeffery, MI6. P. 236; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 129; TNA KV 4/206 «Visit of Mr. G.C. Denham to USA to investigate need for permanent Security Service representative in western hemisphere» s. 70c: G.C. Denham to Sir David Petrie (8 июля 1943). P. 3.

38 BL IOR 1/P&J/12/293 Jawaharlal Nehru s. 11 IPI report to DIB, MI5 and SIS (12 Feb 1936); BL IOR L/P&J/12/30 Rajani Palme Dutt; TNA KV 2/1807-1809 Rajani Palme Dutt; BL L/P&J/12/28 Clemens Palme Dutt; TNA KV 2/2504-2505 Clemens Palme Dutt.

39 См. TNA KV 4/19 «Report on the operations of A.D.A., in connection with the Administrative Services of the Security Service during the war 1939–1945» s. 6a: «MI5 officers» (n. d.); Curry, The Security Service. P. 396–397.

40 Curry, The Security Service. P. 396–397; IWML 80/30/1 Brigadier R.J. Maunsell Ms. «Security Intelligence in Middle East 1914–1918 and 1934–1944». P. 2–4.

41 Hinsley, British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. IV. P. 141.

42 Статьи «Sir Vernon Kell»,’Sir Eric Holt-Wilson», «Sir David Petrie», «Sir Percy Sillitoe» in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [DNB] (издание онлайн доступно с 1 июня 2011); Sillitoe, Cloak Without Dagger. P. 1–47; Curry, The Security Service; Curry, The Indian Police (1932); Hoare (ed.), Camp 020. P. 8; Philby, My Silent War.

43 «Valentine Vivian» and «Felix Cowgill», DNB (издание онлайн доступно с 1 июня 2011); Jeffery, MI6. P. 167, 486; Philby, My Silent War. P. 46, 48, 66.

44 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 19; Thomson, Scene Changes; Thomson, Queer People; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 82.

45 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 19; Cole, Suspect Identities. P. 63–73; Singha, «Settle, Mobilise, Verify»; TNA KV 4/267 «Policy on control of com-munists» протокол 176a: Sir David Petrie (31 янв. 1945).

46 Kelly, «Papon’s transition after World War II. A prefect’s road from Bordeaux, through Algeria, and beyond, August 1944 – October 1961» in Golsan (ed.), The Papon Affair: Memory and Justice on Trial. P. 35–72; Thomas, Empires of Intelligence; Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism. P. 158–221; Holquist, «To count, extract, to exterminate» in Suny and Martin (eds), A State of Nations. P. 111–144.

47 Richards, A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco’s Spain, 1936–1945. P. 26–34; Holquist, «To count, extract, to exterminate» везде; Hull, Absolute Destruction; Moses, Empire, Colony, Genocide; Zimmerer et al., Genocide in German Southwest Africa.

48 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 842.

Глава 2

Стратегический обман

1 Ondaatje, The English Patient. P. 34–35.

2 TNA KV 4/87 s. 2a: Sir David Petrie to Sir Anthony Eden (26 Jun 1944). P. 7; Emily Wilson, «The War in the Dark: The Security Service and the Abwehr, 1940–1944». P. 213.

3 Hinsley, British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. IV Security and Counter-Intelligence. P. 11–12; Curry, The Security Service. P. 22–25, 148.

4 TNA KV 4/170 «D.G. White’s lecture notes regarding counterespionage investigations and organisation of RSS and GC&CS», s. 1a: Mr. Dick White’s lecture for new Regional Security Liaison Officers (9 янв. 1943).

5 Wark, The Ultimate Enemy: British Intelligence and Nazi Germany; TNA KV 4/290 «Measures to counter activities of German Nazi & Italian Fascist groups in the UK – pre1939 with particular reference to sabotage, subversion in the forces etc», s. 2a: Sir Vernon Kell to Lord Hankey, CID (6 июля 1936), forwarding [Curry] «Memorandum on the possibilities of sabotage by the organizations set up in British countries by the totalitarian governments of Germany and Italy»; Andrew, Secret Service. P. 644; Reynolds, Britannia Overruled. P. 119–126.

6 TNA KV4/195 Diaries of Guy Liddell (6 сент. 1944).

7 Curry, The Security Service. P. 145–146, 160; Hinsley, British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. IV Security and Counter-Intelligence. P. 66; TNA CAB 63/193 Hankey, «The Secret Services. Inquiry by the Minister without Portfolio. Second report dealing with the Security Service (MI5) (май 1940). P. 52; CAB 81/97 JIC (40) 73 «Invasion of the United Kingdom» (17 мая 1940); там же. JIC (40) 101, «Summary of likely forms and scales of attack that Germany could bring to bear on the British Isles in the near future» (5 янв. 1940); Schellenberg, Invasion 1940: The Nazi Invasion Plan for Britain. P. 122–137; «Sir Vernon George Waldegrave Kell», Who’s Who (London, 1920). P. 1412.

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