Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин
101. Plan of the Roman Camps and Posts near Ardoch in Strathallan [With details on a larger scale. Shows «His Majesty’s Military Road from Crieff to Stirling», 1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.79.2.a-b
102. The Military Survey of Scotland [1747–1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) [Sandby, Paul (DM), Chamberlain, Thomas (DM)] // BL. Maps 175.t.3.K.Top.48.25.1e [48.25.1a; 48.25. lb.c; 48.25.ld; 48.25.1f]
103. Part of the Reduction from the Great Map, shewing the Kings Road which is express’d by a Red Line & the Country Roads by a Brown Line [1755] / [Roy, William (Eng.); Sandby, Paul (DM)] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.64
104. Plan of the Roman Camps and Posts near Ardoch in Strathallan [1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.79.2.a-b
105. Plan of the Roman Camp at Dalginross Near Combrea Kirk in Glen Earn [1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.79.3
106. Plan of the Roman Post at Strathgeth near Inverpeffery in Strathearn [in the parish of Mushill; with a section, 1755] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.83.3
107. A Plan of Kinloch & Inverchadden, in Ranech [Rannoch, 1756] / Lesslie, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.80.1
108. Loch Eil (Ardgour) [1757] / Debbieg, Hugh (Eng.) // BL. Add MS. 33231 HI
109. Kerrera [Sound and Oban, 1758] // TNA. MPD 1/61
110. A Map of the Roads between Innersnaid Ruthvan of Badenock, Kiliwhiman and Fort William, in the Highlands of North Brittain [1718] 1741 [copy, 1760] / Dumaresq, John & Bastide, John Henri (Eng.); Bastide, John Henri (DM); Coombs // NLS. MS 1648 Z.03/14a-c
He датированы:
111. [Plan showing the roads between Fort William and lyndrum: across Rannoch Moor] // NAS. RHP 13610
112. A Skitch [sketch] of part of the Highlands of Scotland / [Cooper, Richard] // NLS. EMS.b.6.5.(23)
113. A Survey of East and West Borlums [south of Fort Augustus] // TNA. MPH 1/241
Архивы и библиотеки
BL — British Library, London
HL — Hallward Library, Nottingham University, Nottingham
NAS — National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh
NLS — National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
TNA — The National Archives, Kew
Собрания архивных документов
Add. Ms — Additional Manuscripts
CSP — Campbell and Stonefield Papers
EMP — Erskine-Murray Papers
GD — Gifts and Deposits
HP — Hardwick Papers
K.Top — King’s Topographical Collection
MKP — Mar and Kellie Papers
MPD — Maps and plans from records of the Treasury and Treasury Solicitor
MPF — Maps and plans from records of the State Paper Office
MPH — Maps and plans from records of the War Office
MPHH — Maps and plans from records of the War Office (extra large flat storage)
MR — Maps and plans from various series of records
NeC — Newcastle of Clumber Manuscripts
NP — Newcastle Papers
PC — Privy Council
PG — Portrait Gallery
SP — Secretaries of State: State Papers Scotland Series II
WO — War Office
Периодические издания
ВИ — Вопросы истории
ННИ — Новая и Новейшая история
СВ — Средние века
CSSH — Comparative Studies in Society and History
ECS — Eighteenth-Century Studies
EHR — The English Historical Review
EMLS — Early Modern Literary Studies
ERH — European Review of History
HJC — The Historical Journal of Cambridge
IHS — Irish Historical Studies
IM — Imago Mundi
IUR — Irish University Review
JBS — The Journal of British Studies
PRIA — Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
PSAS — Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
PTRSL — Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
SHR — The Scottish Historical Review
TGJ — The Geographical Journal
THJ — The Historical Journal
TIBG — Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
WMQ — The William and Mary Quarterly
Публикации источников
AP — Albemarle Papers. Being the Correspondence of William Anne, Second Earl of Albemarle, Commander-in-Chief in Scotland, 1746–1747. With an Appendix of Letters from Andrew Fletcher, Lord Justice-Clerk, to the Duke of Newcastle, 1746–1748 / Ed. by C.S. Terry. Vols. I–II. Aberdeen, 1902.
CP — Culloden Papers: comprising an Extensive and Interesting Correspondence from the year 1625 to 1748; including numerous letters from the unfortunate Lord Lovat, and other distinguished persons of the time; with occasional state papers of much historical importance. London, 1815.
EHD — English Historical Documents. Vol. X. 1714–1783 / Ed. by D.B. Horn, M.A. Ransome and M. Ransome. London, 1957.
HMC — Historical Manuscripts Commission.
HPJP — Historical Papers relating to the Jacobite Period 1699–1750: In II Vols. / Ed.byJ. Allardyce. Aberdeen, 1895–1896.
LMP — Leven and Melville papers. Letters and State Papers chiefly addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1689–1691. Edinburgh, 1843.
LP — Lockhart papers: containing memoirs and commentaries upon the affairs of Scotland from 1702 to 1715, his secret correspondence with the son of King James the Second from 1718 to 1728, and his other political writings; also, journals and memoirs of the Young Pretender’s expedition in 1745. Vol. II. London, 1817.
PSHS — Publications of the Scottish History Society.
SPD — State Papers Domestic George I. Typescript Calendar Part I. Vols. 139 (1714–1719), 144 (1719–1722), 155 (1722–1725). London, 1977–1979.
THS — The Highlands of Scotland in the 1750. From Manuscript 104 in the King’s Library, British Museum. With an Introduction by A. Lang. Edinburgh and London, 1898.
При использовании документов из Национального архива в Кью указана двойная нумерация, где первая цифра с литерой обозначает порядковый номер документа в деле, а следующая через дробь — номер страницы в деле (нумерация страниц документов в деле сквозная).
Одним из основных источников для Скотта послужили сочинения мистера Никола Грэма из Гэртмора, жившего у самой границы Хайленда и смотревшего на своих соседей-горцев через призму одной из наиболее популярных антитез Просвещения — «варварство-цивилизация»; ср.: Graham N. An Inquiry into the Causes which facilitate the Rise