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Деловой английский язык - О. Пономарева

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3. Have you held a job that required you to solve problems? If so, describe the problem-solving skills you have developed.

4. Have you held a job involving decisions? If so, describe the decision-making skills you have developed.

5. Have you held a job involving creativity? If so, describe the creative or artistic skills you have developed.

Communication skills

1. Have you held a job that required you to follow written and verbal instructions? If so, describe the communication skills you have learned.

2. Have you held a job that required you to give information or instructions to other people? If so, describe the communication skills you have learned.

3. Have you held a job that required you to teach or demonstrate? If so, describe the teaching skills you have learned.

4. Have you held a job involving frequent interaction with others? If so, describe the communication skills you have acquired.

5. Have you held a job involving persuasion, such as selling? If so, describe the communication skills you have gained.

Рабочие ситуации:

1. Составьте свое резюме на английском языке.

2. Напишите пример рекомендательного письма.

3. Внимательно проанализируйте приведенные ниже рекламные объявления и напишите письмо-просьбу о приеме на работу:



Making the Most of Your Experience

How many times have you been asked the question, «What do you do for living? » There is a tendency for people to answer this question by saying, for example, «I'm a secretary» or «I'm a salesgirl» In everyday conversations these answers are acceptable, but in an interview the interviewer will be more interested in your skills than in your former titles. On your resume you must try to put more emphasis on things you can do and have done rather than on what you are or were called while doing those things.

At job interviews an applicant is expected to explain past work experience clearly. A good applicant is prepared to speak specifically about skills as well as experience.

For example: «I worked for eight months as an assistant to the manager at WXYZ radio. I learned to keep records carefully, to file rapidly, and to take information over the phone accurately». The fact that the work was unpaid and part-time is of secondary importance. What counts most are the skills acquired. It almost always pays to explain work experience in this way. Beginning with basic questions such as your own abilities, interests, and needs is a very different plan than taking the first available job. Choice of occupation is one of the biggest decisions we ever make. It pays to make it carefully.

Kinds of Interviews

There are many different kinds of employment interviews, but generally there are two basic types: the screening interview and the selection interview. A screening interview is often based on an employment application. In a screening interview, a personnel clerk or a staff person may review the company's application form you filled out to make sure that you have provided all essential information. Questions will usually require you to provide yes/no questions or give short answers providing specific information. Generally the screening interview is meant to be a check to make sure that all applicants meet minimal requirements before further interviewing is done. In a selection interview you may be interviewed by one or even four or five individuals. These may include a personnel manager or supervisory staff from the section for which you are applying. Questions in a selection interview may ask for specific information or may be open ended. The more experience you have in analyzing different styles of interviewing, the more flexible and adaptable you will be in dealing with actual interviews.

Interview Technique

Every interviewer is different; each has his or her own style. Some are professionally trained, but many are not. In general, however, interviewing styles fall into two broad types: directive and nondirective. An interviewer with a directive style will generally ask a number of pointed questions that are aimed at getting specific information. In a nondirective style interview, the interviewer tends to ask questions that allow the interviewees the opportunity to express themselves more openly.

An interview may be compared to a dance in which the interviewer is supposed to be the lead partner and the interviewee is supposed to be a follower. Most of the time the trick is to adjust yourself to the pace and style set up by the interviewer. If the style is directive, you should try to provide concise, accurate information without going on and on. If you have been asked a simple question, try to stick to it rather than trying to provide your whole life history. On the other hand, if you are being interviewed in a nondirective style, try to elaborate by providing specific examples and explanations.

Occasionally, you may be interviewed by an inexperienced or poorly trained interviewer. Remember that not everyone is equally skilled in the art of interviewing. Many people who interview do so only now and then as a minor responsibility rather than as their major job. When you are dealing with an unskillful interviewer, it may be necessary for you to redirect the interview. You should make this switch only after you realize that the interviewer's line of questioning is missing important information about you and your background. Just as in a dance in which a lead person fails to lead and it may occasionally become necessary for the other partner to lead, so too in an interview it may be necessary for you to redirect.


Подготовка к собеседованию

Собеседование при приеме на работу в различных организациях может проходить абсолютно по-разному. В одной компании оно может длиться около 10 минут, в другой – представлять собой несколько часов интенсивного общения. В любом случае вам необходимо произвести благоприятное впечатление и показать отличное знание языка.

Первое впечатление, созданное вами при входе в кабинет, может оказать большое влияние на результаты собеседования. Вы должны вести себя спокойно, уверенно и дружелюбно. Первый вопрос, задаваемый менеджером по кадрам, обычно направлен на установление контакта (“breaking the ice”). Поэтому не удивляйтесь, услышав такой вопрос:

How are you today? – Как дела?

Did you have any trouble finding us? – Вы с трудом нас нашли?

What do you think of the weather today? – Как вам погода сегодня?

Ответ в такой ситуации должен быть вежливым и кратким.

Например, How are you today? – Как ваши дела?

Самое существенное, о чем вы можете рассказать во время собеседования, это ваше образование и опыт работы. Образование включает в себя вашу учебу в вузе и специальные курсы, которые вы прошли в последнее время. Опыт работы включает любую деятельность, напрямую или косвенно связанную с должностью, на которую вы претендуете.

Если вы уже получили образование, то рассказывать о своей учебе нужно в прошедшем времени.

Если вы еще являетесь студентом, то нужно использовать настоящее длительное время (Present Continuous):

Когда вы рассказываете о компании, в которой вы работаете в данный момент, необходимо использовать настоящее время (Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous):

Все вопросы, задаваемые вашим потенциальным работодателем во время собеседования, можно условно разделить на следующие группы:

Письмо после интервью (Follow-up letter)

В большинстве западных компаний является нормой получение письма благодарности от соискателя после собеседования. В России подобная практика пока не получила широкого распространения. Поэтому такое письмо может быть дополнительным плюсом в вашу пользу.

После окончания собеседования обязательно уточните точное имя собеседника, его контакты или возьмите визитную карточку. Письмо благодарности должно быть составлено по правилам ведения деловой переписки на английском языке и отправлено факсом или по электронной почте.

Отправка такого документа дает вам несколько преимуществ:

· вы можете показать себя вежливым, ответственным человеком

· продемонстрировать способности по работе с деловой корреспонденцией

· обратить на себя внимание работодателя

· усилить положительное впечатление

· добавить важную информацию, неупомянутую во время собеседования

· высказать мнения о вопросах, обсуждавшихся на собеседовании


Exercise 1. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:

a) directive style

b) nondirective style

c) screening interview

d) selection interview

e) elaborate

f) redirect

1. explain fully

2. a check to see that an applicant meets minimal qualifications

3. the actual process of determining whether the applicant is to be hired

4. asking for specific information, thus narrowing the range of response

5. asking for general information, thus broadening the range of response

6. changing the lead

Exercise 2.

A) Ответьте на вопросы, заданные в директивном стиле:

1. Do you drive?

2. How long have you lived in this area?

3. Which do you prefer, books or people?

4. How far do you live from work?

5. Have you done much traveling in recent years?

6. Do you like to travel?

7. Have you ever had to supervise?

B) Ответьте на вопросы, заданные в недирективном стиле:

1. What did you like most about your previous job?

2. Why did you choose marketing as your major?

3. Tell me about yourself.

Exercise 3. Выделите открытые и закрытые (на которые следует отвечать однозначно) вопросы. Обозначьте их О и 3 соответственно.

1. Why did you leave your last job?

2. Which do you prefer when you start a new project, a lot of direction or little guidance?

3. Do you enjoy going to parties?

4. What goal do you have for the future?

5. Describe the kind of boss you would like to work for.

6. Which subject was more difficult for you, Russian or math?

7. When you supervise people, how do you try to motivate them?

8. Can you work under pressure?

9. Will you accept $ … per month to start?

10. Do you have any problems with your health?

11. Will you work overtime?

12. What kind of salary are you looking for?

13. Do you drink alcohol?

14. Tell me about your childhood.

15. Do you like a variety of tasks throughout the day?

16. How often do you entertain people?

17. What is your strongest point?

18. What is your major weak point?

19. Which is more important to you, the money or the job?

20. What was your best subject in college?

Exercise 4. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:

a) rapport

b) skills

c) qualifications

d) self-perception

e) career expectations

f) salary range

1. the ideas that you have about yourself

2. the ideas you have about your employment future

3. a comfortable feeling established between people

4. the things that indicate you are able to do something

5. the upper and lower limits of what you can be paid

6. what you hope to be able to accomplish in your field of work

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