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The Hackers - Дарья Дмитриевна Роснина

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be very serious! While the result of our experiment may change the whole science on the Planet.

You are all aware of what will face us in case of a slightest leakage of information, aren’t you?”

“Nestor must carry on with the work of his father, and I have always chosen the path of Socrates and Giordano Bruno when it came to principles!” Asha shrugged her shoulders.

“Then I will proceed to the practical issues,” Atarva went on, “And here I’ve got a question! We’ll need Absolem’s resource. And there is certain difficulty here. The AI will not be able to keep that secret since Absolem will submit its regular report to the Curators, which will clearly show its involvement in our experiment. If this happens, all of us will face the fate of Nestor’s father, and that will be the best case scenario.”

“No, no,” Asha started waving her hands, “In the best case scenario, there will be a vent system failure, accidental of course, and it will “accidently” pump out all the air from our lab for just a couple of hours. Everything will be done quickly and accurately! Do you remember what happened to the group who were involved in cold fusion? A dam cracked down and they were flooded! And the guy who transferred energy without wires – electrocuted while conducting an experiment.”

“Asha, your words make me shiver,” Atarva said with a wince. “I am scared, Asha.”

All of us are scared, my friend,” the girl’s voice sounded confident and calm. “And that’s quite natural for people. But you’ve got to take all the circumstances into account: we have developed something that is considerably ahead of our time! Soon we will hand over the ready processor to the customer as well as the keys to its locks. But we can’t pass over our knowledge to them, which is a problem! The customer obviously wants to have control over the technology of the processor production and the processor itself, isn’t that evident? What can they do? Let’s make a forecast. Atarva is right that we’ll have to disappear, whatever the outcome, unless we come up with a way to escape. Therefore, having made the first step, personally I’m prepared to make the second one! Let’s start to prepare for the experiment. Maybe the result obtained will be our way out. Do you agree?”

“Don’t make so much noise, Asha! They may hear you even through the silence field,” Nestor hissed to her. “Atarva raised the question of how to engage the AI in our work. The Curators check daily reports on its operation and performed tasks. What can make the AI keep a secret from men? I suggest we start communicating with Absolem, and open for him an access to making personal directions that will not be subject to control. We must motivate him by giving him a certain purpose so that he will deliberately create distortions in the data of his reports to the Curators. Or simply will deceive them. The AI Absolem is a first-generation machine with linear logic!”

“Guys, I will talk to him. I take this part on myself.”

“Let Asha motivate Absolem,” Nestor said with a smile. “Then I and Atarva will have to do a sheer trifle: prepare equipment and assemble the circuit. That won’t be too difficult: what we need is an interface to achieve coupling between the human brain and the machine. It must be able to display information from the human brain at large speed; otherwise the machine’s artificial brain will simply fail to comprehend it. It will be logical to entrust this task to Absolem. Its resource should be enough for that. We’ll all get synchronized with its processor, and it will, in its turn, create a channel for our communication with the Super Brain. And the latter will establish a field to allow us to get in contact with the Ocean and through it with the Intelligent Shell of the planet. Theoretically, this should work.

Our task is to obtain information from the Noosphere during the contact.

However the circuit is not well-adjusted and therefore will constitute a problem. We’ll have only one try, which will be vertically a Leap of Faith!

 Consequently, the experiment will require a team of four participants. Now time is against us, we need to hurry.”

The Monsoon Season in Bangalore is a very special period of time, during which the city gets engulfed with water currents running along its streets as a result of prolonged and heavy tropical rains.

The very term “Monsoon Season” might have been brought into use by residents of metropolises who consider this natural phenomenon to be dangerous.

Torrents damage their brand clothes and cars. And therefore water flows coming from the sky and fresh wind only annoy them.

City dwellers sincerely believe that nature is supposed to accept piles of urban waste and to absorb hazardous, dirty discharges.

Formerly, Indian people called it the “Flowers and Harvest Season”. People used to celebrate water flows coming from heaven and to thank Mother Nature for that gift, since it was bestowed to them by the Gods. Water used to mean life and good harvest. Nature changes its energy emanations during the Flowers Season.

“That’s why this will be the most suitable time for the experiment.”

The biosphere itself appears to invite us for the contact,” Atarva was in the habit of thinking out loud, seeking support of likeminded people. “By the way, the circuit of the contact will be of a rather unusual character: no customary sensors, wiring and gauges.

To begin with, our processor needs no interface whatsoever, unless its potential is deliberately limited. It creates by itself a certain field to synchronize it with an operator. And it is this capability of the processor that the customer wished to lock out, and firmly insists on that. Moreover, a new rule was introduced a couple of minutes ago: as of now, any

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