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Дофамин вызывает желание: Berridge К. С. The Debate over Dopamine’s Role in Reward: The Case for Incentive Salience // Psychopharmacology. 2007. Vol. 191. Pp. 391–431.

Удовольствие без дофамина: Berridge К. С. «Liking» and «Wanting» Food Rewards: Brain Substrates and Roles in Eating Disorders // Physiology & Behavior. 2009. Vol. 97. Pp. 537–550.

Предвкушение награды: Dissociation of Reward Anticipation and Outcome with Event-Related fMRI / B. Knutson et al. 11 NeuroReport. 2001. Vol. 12. Pp. 3683–3687.

Выброс дофамина при видеоиграх: Evidence for Striatal Dopamine Release During a Video Game / M. J. Koepp et al. // Nature. 1998. Vol. 393. Pp. 266–268.

Смерть игрока: S Korean Dies After Games Session // BBC News. 2005. URL: http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/technology/4137782.stm.

Клинические случаи при паркинсонизме: Nirenberg М. J., Waters С. Compulsive Eating and Weight Gain Related to Dopamine Agonist Use // Movement Disorders. 2006. Vol. 21. Pp. 524–529. См. также: Frequency of New-Onset Pathologic Compulsive Gambling or Hypersexuality After Drug Treatment of Idiopathic Parkinson Disease / J. M. Bostwick et al. // Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2009. Vol. 84. Pp. 310–316.

Сексуальные изображения и финансовые риски: Nucleus Accumbens Activation Mediates the Influence of Reward Cues on Financial Risk- Taking / B. Knutson et al. // NeuroReport. 2008. Vol. 19. Pp. 509–513.

Мечты о лотерее и еда: Hungry for Money: The Desire for Caloric Resources Increases the Desire for Financial Resources and Vice Versa / B. Briers et al. // Psychological Science. 2006. Vol. 17. Pp. 939–943.

Дофамин и сиюминутное наслаждение: Berridge К. С. Wanting and Liking: Observations from the Neuroscience and Psychology Laboratory 11 Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 52. Pp. 378–398.

Исследование дегустации продуктов: Wadhwa М., Shiv В., Nowlis S. M. A Bite to Whet the Reward Appetite: The Influence of Sampling on Reward-Seeking Behaviors // Journal of Marketing Research. 2008. Vol. 45. Pp. 403–413.

Телереклама провоцирует перекус: Harris J. L., Bargh J. A., Brownel K. D. Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior // Health Psychology. 2009. Vol. 28. Pp. 404–413.

Жребий: Give Them Prizes, and They Will Come: Contingency Management for Treatment of Alcohol Dependence / N. M. Petry et al. > Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 2000. Vol. 68. Pp. 250257. См. также: Petry N. M. Contingency Management Treatments // The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2006. Vol. 198. Pp. 97–98.

Дофамин и стресс: Dopamine Enhances Fast Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in the Extended Amygdala by a Crf-Rl-Dependent Process / T. L. Kash et al. // The Journal of Neuroscience. 2008. Vol. 28 Pp. 13856-13865.

Шоколад вызывает стресс: Subjective and Physiological Reactivity t Chocolate Images in High and Low Chocolate Cravers / S. Rodriguez et al. // Biological Psychology. 2005. Vol. 70. Pp. 9-18.

Выдохшийся попкорн: Wansink В., Kim J. Bad Popcorn in Big Buckets: Portion Size Can Influence Intake as Much as Taste // Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Vol. 37. Pp. 242–245.

Проверка обещания награды: A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Modified Mindfulness Intervention on Binge Eating / B. W. Smith et al. Complementary Health Practice Review. 2006. Vol. 11. Pp. 133–143. C также: Pilot Study: Mindful Eating And Living (MEAL): Weight, Eatin Behavior, and Psychological Outcomes Associated with a Mindfulness- Based Intervention for People with Obesity / J. Dalen et al. // Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2010. Vol. 18. Pp. 260–264.

Наркоман теряет желание: Anhedonia after a Selective Bilateral Lesion of the Globus Pallidus / J. M. Miller et al. // Amercian Journal o: Psychiatry. 2006. Vol. 163. Pp. 786–788. Как и в прочих историях из этой книги, вместо имени используется псевдоним.

Слабая активность системы подкрепления: Reduced Capacity to Sustain Positive Emotion in Major Depression Reflects Diminished Maintenance of Fronto-Striatal Brain Activation / A. S. Heller et al. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2009. Vol. 106. Pp. 22445-22450.

Глава 6. Какого черта: как раскаяние подталкивает нас к соблазну

Исследование стресса: American Psychological Association (АРА) Study, Stress in America // American Psychological Association. Washington, 2007.

Шоколад способствует чувству вины: Macdiarmid J. I., Hethering- ton М. M. Mood Modulation by Food: An Exploration of Affect and Cravings in «Chocolate Addicts» // British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1995. Vol. 34. Pp. 129–138.

Стресс и курение: Stress-Induced Cigarette Craving: Effects of the DRD2 Taqi RFLP and SLC6A3 VNTR Polymorphisms / J. Erblich et al. // The Pharmacogenomics Journal. 2004. Vol. 4. Pp. 102–109. Стресс и еда: Oliver G., Wardle J., Gibson E. L. Stress and Food Choice: A Laboratory Study // Psychosomatic Medicine. 2000. Vol. 62. Pp. 853–865.

Крысы в стрессе: Yap J. J., Miczek K. A. Stress and Rodent Models of Drug Addiction: Role of VTA-Accumbens-PFC-Amygdala Circuit // Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models. 2008. Vol. 5. Pp. 259–270.

Стресс в естественных условиях увеличивает риск срывов: Oaten М., Cheng К. Academic Examination Stress Impairs Self-Control // Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2005. Vol. 24. Pp. 254–279. Стресс и влечения: Neural Activity Associated with Stress-Induced Cocaine Craving: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study / R. Sinha et al. // Psychopharmacology. 2005. Vol. 183. Pp. 171–180.

При раскаянии пирожное выглядит аппетитнее: Chun Н., Patrick V. М., Maclnnism D. J. Making Prudent vs. Impulsive Choices: The Role of Anticipated Shame and Guilt on Consumer Self-Control 11 Advances in Consumer Research. 2007. Vol. 34. Pp. 715–719.

Покупки ради снижения тревожности: Pine К. J. Report on a Survey into Female Economic Behaviour and the Emotion Regulatory Role of Spending // Sheconomics website. 2009. Pp. 1-24. URL: http://www.sheconomics.com/downloads/womens_emotions.pdf.

Цель утешиться побеждает самоконтроль: Tice D. М., Bratslavsky E. Giving In to Feel Good: ’Hie Place of Emotion Regulation in the Context of General Self-Control // Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory. 2000.Vol. 11. Pp. 149–159.

Теория управления ужасом: Burke В. L., Martens A., Faucher E. H. Two Decades of Terror Management Theory: A Meta-Analysis of Mortality Salience Research // Personality and Social Psychology Review. 2010. Vol. 14. Pp. 155–195.

Смерть и еда в успокоение: Mandel N., Smeesters D. The Sweet Escape: Effects of Mortality Salience on Consumption Quantities for High- and Low-Self-Esteem Consumers // Journal of Consumer Research. 2008. Vol. 35. Pp. 309–323.

Смерть и символы значимости: Mandel N., Heine S. J. Terror Management and Marketing: He Who Dies with the Most Toys Wins // Advances in Consumer Research. 1999. Vol. 26. Pp. 527–532.

Покупки и 11 сентября 2001 года: The Urge to Splurge: A Terror Management Account of Materialism and Consumer Behavior / J. Arndt et al. // Journal of Consumer Psychology. 2004. Vol. 14. Pp. 198–212.

Душещипательный фильм побуждает к спонтанным покупкам: Misery Is Not Miserly: Sad and Self-Focused Individuals Spend More / С. E. Cryder et al. // Psychological Science. 2008. Vol. 19. Pp. 525–530.

Предупреждения на упаковке могут приводить к нежелательным последствиям: Hansen J., Winzeler S., Topolinski S. When the Death Makes You Smoke: A Terror Management Perspective on the Effectiveness of Cigarette on-Pack Warnings // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2010. Vol. 46. Pp. 226–228.

Пьянство и вина: The Morning After: Limit Violations and the SelfRegulation of Alcohol Consumption / M. Muraven et al. // Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2005. Vol. 19. Pp. 253–262.

Эффект «какого черта»: Polivy J., Herman С. P. Dieting and Binging: A Causal Analysis 11 American Psychologist. 1985. Vol. 40. Pp. 193–201 См. также исследование вины: Steenhuis I. Guilty or Not?: Feelings of Guilt About Food Among College Women // Appetite. 2009. Vol. 52. Pp. 531–534.

Щедрая порция вызывает эффект «какого черта»: Polivy J., Herman С. P., Deo R. Getting a Bigger Slice of the Pie. Effects on Eating and Emotion in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters // Appetite. 2010. Vol. 55. Pp. 426–430.

Подкрученные весы вызывают эффект «какого черта»: McFarlane Т., Polivy J., Herman С. P. Effects of False Weight Feedback on Mood, Self-Evaluation, and Food Intake in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters // Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1998. Vol. 107. Pp. 312–318.

Прервать цикл «какого черта»: Adams С. Е., Leary М. R. Promoting Self-Compassionate Attitudes toward Eating among Restrictive and Guilty Eaters // Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2007. Vol. 26. Pp. 1120–1144.

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