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137. Исследования Холотропного Дыхания:

138. Ashauer, B. and Yensen, R. 1988. “Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States: Observations from Holotropic Breathwork.” Presented at the Ninth International Transpersonal Conference in Santa Rosa, CA, entitled “The Transpersonal Vision: Past, Present and Future,” October 9 – 14.

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142. Brouillette, G. 1997. “Reported Effects of Holotropic Breathwork: An Integrative Technique for Healing and Personal Change.” Ph.D. dissertation.

Proquest Dissertations and Theses 1997. Section 0669, Part 0622, 375 pages; United States – California: Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Publication Number: AAT DP14336.

143. Bubeev, Y. A. and Kozlov. 2001 a. “Experimental Psychophysiological and Neurophysiological Study of Intensive Breathing.” In: Holotropic Breathwork: Theory, Practice, Researches, Clinical Applications (V. Maykov and V. Kozlov, eds.). Moscow: Publications of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. (Бубеев Ю.А., Козлов В.В. «Экспериментальное психофизиологическое и нейрофизиологическое изучение интенсивного дыхания» В сб. «Холотропное Дыхание: Теория, практика, исследования, клиническое применение» под редакцией В.В. Козлова и В.В. Майкова, Москва, Изд-во Трансперсонального Института.

144. Bubeev, Y. A. and Kozlov. 2001 b. “Experimental Studies of the Influence of Intensive Breathing on An Individual and Group.” In: Holotropic Breathwork: Theory, Practice, Researches, Clinical Applications (V. Maykov and V. Kozlov, eds.). Moscow: Publications of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. (Бубеев Ю.А., Козлов В.В. «Экспериментальные исследования влияния интенсивного дыхания на индивида и группу». В сб. «Холотропное Дыхание: Теория, практика, исследования, клиническое применение» под редакцией В.В. Козлова и В.В. Майкова, Москва, Изд-во Трансперсонального Института.

145. Byford, C. L. 1991. “Holotropic Breathwork: A Potential Therapeutic Intervention for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Female Incest Victims.”

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146. Cervelli, R. L. 2009. “An Intuitive Inquiry into Experiences Arising out of the Holotropic Breathwork Technique and Its Integral Mandala Artwork: The Potential for Self-Actualization.” Doctoral Dissertation. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology Palo Alto, California, November 6.

147. Crowley, N. 2005. “Holotropic Breathwork – Healing Through a Non-ordinary State of Consciousness.” Paper based on a talk delivered by Dr. Crowley on May 9, 2005, at a special interest group meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, United Kingdom.

148. Edwards, L. 1999. “Use of Hypnosis and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness in Facilitating Significant Psychotherapeutic Change.” The Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis. September issue.

149. Everett, G. 2001. “The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.” Ph.D. dissertation, 251 pages. Australia – Norfolk Island. School of Psychology, College of Social Science, Greenwich University.

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