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Adventures of Ideas. New York: Free Press, 1933. – Рус.: Уайтхед А. Н. Избранные работы по философии. М.: Прогресс, 1990.

Wilczek, Frank. Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality. New York: Penguin, 2021.

Wohlleben, Peter. The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate. Schwartz, 2016.

Wolchover, Natalie. Does Time Really Flow? New Clues Come from a Century-Old Approach to Math // Quanta Magazine, April 7, 2020.

Wolpert, Lewis. Developmental Biology: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Wood, Barry. Big History and the Study of Time: The Underlying Temporalities of Big History // Benjamin, Quaedackers, and Baker, The Routledge Companion to Big History, 37–56.

Woodburn, James. Egalitarian Societies // Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17, no. 3 (1982): 432–451.

Wooton, David. The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution. New York: Penguin, 2015.

Wordsworth, Jonathan, and Jessica Wordsworth, eds. The Penguin Book of Romantic Poetry. London: Penguin, 2003.

Zimmer, Carl. Microcosm: E. Coli and the New Science of Life. New York: Vintage, 2009.

Zinkina, Julia, Leonid Grinin, Ilya Ilyin, Alexey Andreev, Ivan Aleshkovskii, and Andrey Korotayev. Big History of Globalization: From the Big Bang to Modernity. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018.



1. Collingwood, The Idea of History, 120.

2. Rescher, Predicting the Future, 1.

3. Впрочем, имеется несколько текстов о современных практиках планирования будущего – например, Hines and Bishop, Thinking about the Future, и Szostak, Making Sense of the Future.

4. О большой истории см.: Benjamin, Quaedackers, and Baker, Routledge Companion to Big History; Christian, Origin Story; Gibelyou and Northrop, Big Ideas; о большой истории и будущем: Voros, “Big Futures”.

5. Garrett, Hume, xix.

6. Watts, “‘New’ Science of Networks”, 243–246, и Caldarelli and Catanzaro, Networks, 2; о Шелковых путях: Christian, “Silk Roads or Steppe Roads”.

7. Bell, Foundations of Futures Studies, 1:182.

8. Collingwood, The Idea of History, 54; Carr, What Is History? 68–69.

9. Christian, Maps of Time and Origin Story.

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10. Guthrie, Faces in the Clouds, loc. 1056, Kindle.

11. Dator, A Noticerin Time, 77.

12. “Temporalities”, forum in Past and Present; Wood, “Big History and the Study of Time”.

13. Holt, When Einstein Walked with Gödel, 20.

14. Ismael, “Temporal Experience”, 460.

15. Хорошее введение в тему: Bardon, Brief History of the Philosophy of Time, и Baron and Miller, Introduction to the Philosophy of Time; также см. Callender, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time.

16. Т. R. V. Murti, цит. по: in Loy, “Mähäyana Deconstruction of Time”, 14.

17. Mellor, Real Time and Real Time II.

18. Baron and Miller, Introduction to the Philosophy of Time; McTaggart, “Unreality of Time” (1908).

19. Cossins, “The Time Delusion”, 34; Dator, A Noticerin Time, 79, о гавайском времени; McGrath, “Deep Histories in Time, or Crossing the Great Divide?” 4.

20. Австралийский футуролог Джо Ворос познакомил меня с этим понятием; см. его работу Big History and Anticipation.

21. Price, Time’s Arrow and Archimedes’ Point, гл. 1.

22. James, “The Dilemma of Determinism”, in Delphi Complete Works of William James, loc. 36,352, Kindle.

23. Blackburn, The Big Questions: Philosophy, loc. 1720, Kindle.

24. Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe, loc. 9621, Kindle.

25. Gallois, “Zen History”, 432–433. Благодарю Иэна Строса за то, что напомнил мне о тральфамадорцах.

26. James, “Perception of Time”, гл. 15 «Принципов психологии», Delphi Complete Works of William James, loc. 11,732, Kindle; Dennett, Consciousness Explained, гл. 5, о соответствующих психологических экспериментах.

27. Rynasiewicz, “Newton’s Views on Space, Time, and Motion”, 1; Westfall, Life of Isaac Newton, 259. Позднее Ньютон отказался от понятия «сенсориум», но продолжал настаивать на том, что Господь вездесущ в буквальном смысле.

28. Laplace, “Philosophical Essay on Probabilities”, 3–4.

29. Augustine, City of God, кн. 5, гл. 9, 177.

30. Curd and Cover, Philosophy of Science, 152; Hacking, The Taming of Chance.

31. Paul Davies, Demon in the Machine, 68ff.; Waldrop, Complexity, 328.

32. Gisin, “Mathematical Languages Shape Our Understanding of Time in Physics”; также см. Wolchover, “Does Time Really Flow?”

33. Feynman, Character of Physical Law, lecture 6, loc. 1981, Kindle.

34. Anderson, “More Is Different”; William James, “The Dilemma of Determinism”, in Delphi Complete Works of William James, loc. 35, 914, Kindle.

35. Waldrop, Complexity, loc. 774, Kindle.

36. Hume, Treatise of Human Nature, часть. 3, разд. 2; Baron and Miller, Introduction to the Philosophy of Time, chap. 6; Russell, History of Western Philosophy, 85; о курении и раке легких: McGrayne, Theory That Would Not Die, 112.

37. Kistler, “Causation”, who cites Russell, “On the Notion of Cause”.

38. Russell, “Psychological and Physical Causal Laws”, 288–289.

39. Pearl and Mackenzie, The Book of Why; Pearl, “Art and Science of Cause and Effect”.

40. Я показал фильм на этот сюжет в 2011 году на TED Talk, “History of the World in 18 Minutes”, съемки проходили в марте 2011 на Лонг-Бич; см. TED video, 17:24, https://www.ted.com/talks/david_christian_the_history_of_our_world_in_18_minutes?language=en.

41. О парадоксальном отношении между сложностью и вторым законом термодинамики см. Egan and Lineweaver, “Life, Gravity and the Second Law of Thermodynamics”.

42. Price, Time’s Arrow and Archimedes’ Point, гл. 3.

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43. Ismael, “Temporal Experience”, 480.

44. Marx, The Marx-Engels Reader, 145.

45. Einstein, “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”.

46. Elias, Time, 4.

47. Строго говоря, речь о скорости света в вакууме.

48. Цит. по: Riggs, “Contemporary Concepts”, 51; Einstein, Relativity, гл. 9.

49. Danks, “Safe-and-Substantive Perspectivism”, 127.

50. Wilczek, Fundamentals, 188ff.

51. Christian, Origin Story.

52. Nurse, What Is Life? 62.

53. Dennett, Kinds of Minds, 57.

54. Safina, Becoming Wild, 43, Kindle.

55. Collingwood, The Idea of History, 120.

56. Waldrop, Complexity, 330, интервью с Б. Артуром.

57. Chalmers, What Is This Thing Called Science? 13.

58. Hume, Treatise of Human Nature,

59. Wikipedia, s. v. “Maranasati”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mara%E1%B9%87asati.

60. Пример взят у: Pinker, How the Mind Works, 106–107.

61. Цит. по: Silver, Signal and the Noise, 230.

62. Так называется книга Нейта Сильвера о предсказаниях (2012).

63. Rescher, Predicting the Future, 61.

64. Rescher, “Predicting and Knowability”, 118.

65. Ord, The Precipice, 79.

66. Silver, Signal and the Noise, 61.

67. Vikram Mansharamani, “Navigating Uncertainty: Thinking in Futures”, in Schroeter, After Shock, 15.

68. Goodwin, Forewarned, loc. 127 and 1005, Kindle.

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69. Waldrop, Complexity, 278.

70. Godfrey-Smith, Metazoa, loc. 3132, Kindle.

71. LeDoux, Deep History of Ourselves, 43.

72. Waldrop, Complexity, 331.

73. Richerson, “Integrated Bayesian Theory of Phenotypic Flexibility”, 54–64.

74. Lyon, “The Cognitive Cell”, 4.

75. Lyon, “The Cognitive Cell”, 3.

76. Dennett, Kinds of Minds, 57.

77. Porter, Greatest Benefit, loc. 4430, Kindle; Nurse, What Is Life? 9–10.

78. Nurse, What Is Life? 10–14.

79. Waldrop, Complexity, 278.

80. LeDoux, Deep History of Ourselves, 42.

81. Zimmer, Microcosm, 146–147.

82. Zimmer, Microcosm, 125.

83. Zimmer, Microcosm, 113–114.

84. Bray, Wetware, loc. 100, Kindle.

85. Nurse, What Is Life? 54.

86. Goodsell, The Machinery of Life, loc. 198, Kindle; Bray, Wetware, loc. 804, Kindle.

87. Bray, Wetware, loc. 27, Kindle.

88. Bray, Wetware, loc. 775, Kindle; и Roth, Long Evolution, 70.

89. Mitchell, Complexity, loc. 2445, Kindle.

90. Zimmer, Microcosm, 24ff.

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91. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc. 645, Kindle.

92. Mukheijee, The Gene, loc. 5797, Kindle.

93. Wolpert, Developmental Biology, loc. 1098, Kindle.

94. Nurse, What Is Life? 66.

95. Wohlleben, Hidden Life of Trees; в этой книге описывается, сколь трудный выбор приходится совершать деревьям.

96. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc.

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