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Законы эпидемий. Как развиваются и почему прекращаются эпидемии болезней, финансовые кризисы, вспышки насилия и модные тренды - Адам Кучарски

Читать онлайн Законы эпидемий. Как развиваются и почему прекращаются эпидемии болезней, финансовые кризисы, вспышки насилия и модные тренды - Адам Кучарски






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et al., ‘Information Evolution in Social Networks’, Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM’16), 2016.


Cheng J. et al., ‘Do Diffusion Protocols Govern Cascade Growth?’, AAAI Publications, 2018.


О первых проектах BuzzFeed: Rice A., ‘Does BuzzFeed Know the Secret?’, New York Magazine, 7 April 2013.


Watts D.J. et al., ‘Viral Marketing for the Real World’, Harvard Business Review, 2007.


Guardian Datablog, ‘Who are the most social publishers on the web?’, The Guardian Online, 3 October 2013.


Salmon F., ‘BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti Goes Long’, Fusion, 11 June 2014.


Martin T. et al., ‘Exploring Limits to Prediction in Complex Social Systems’, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2016.


Shulman B. et al., ‘Predictability of Popularity: Gaps between Prediction and Understanding’, International Conference on Web and Social Media, 2016.


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McMahon V., ‘#Neknominate girl’s shame: I’m sorry for drinking a goldfish’, Irish Mirror, 5 February 2014.


Многие видео Neknomination можно посмотреть на YouTube; Fricker M., ‘RSPCA hunt yob who downed NekNomination cocktail containing cider, eggs, battery fluid, urine and THREE goldfish’, Mirror, 5 February 2014.


Пример освещения в прессе: Fishwick C., ‘NekNominate: should Facebook ban the controversial drinking game?’, The Guardian, 11 February 2014; ‘“Neknomination”: Facebook ignores calls for ban after two deaths’, Evening Standard, 3 February 2014.


More or Less: ‘Neknomination Outbreak’, BBC World Service Online, 22 February 2014.


Kucharski A.J., ‘Modelling the transmission dynamics of online social contagion’, arXiv, 2016.


Исследователи из Университета Уорвика выявили такой же уровень предсказуемости. Основываясь на динамике игры Neknomination, они точно предсказали четырехнедельную продолжительность Ice Bucket Challenge после появления этой игры несколько месяцев спустя. Sprague D.A. and House T., ‘Evidence for complex contagion models of social contagion from observational data’, PLOS ONE, 2017.


Cheng J. et al., ‘Do Cascades Recur?’, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2016.


Crane R. and Sornette D., ‘Robust dynamic classes revealed by measuring the response function of a social system’, PNAS, 2008.


Tan C. et al., ‘Lost in Propagation? Unfolding News Cycles from the Source’, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2016; Tatar A. et al., ‘A survey on predicting the popularity of web content’, Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 2014.


Vosoughi S. et al., ‘The spread of true and false news online’, Science, 2018.


Примеры из: Romero D.M., ‘Differences in the Mechanics of Information Diffusion Across Topics: Idioms, Political Hashtags, and Complex Contagion on Twitter’, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2011; State B. and Adamic L.A., ‘The Diffusion of Support in an Online Social Movement: Evidence from the Adoption of Equal-Sign Profile Pictures’, Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, 2015; Guilbeault D. et al., ‘Complex Contagions: A Decade in Review’, in Lehmann S. and Ahn Y. (eds.), Spreading Dynamics in Social Systems (Springer Nature, 2018).


Weng L. et al., ‘Virality Prediction and Community Structure in Social Networks’, Scientific Reports, 2013.


Centola D., How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions (Princeton University Press, 2018).


Anderson C., ‘The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete’, Wired, 23 June 2008.


‘Big Data, for better or worse: 90 per cent of world’s data generated over last two years’, Science Daily, 22 May 2013.


Фразу приписывают Гудхарту в такой формулировке. В оригинале она звучала так: «Любая наблюдаемая статистическая закономерность начинает рушиться, когда на нее оказывается давление с целью контроля». Goodhart C., ‘Problems of Monetary Management: The U.K. Experience’, in Courakis, A.S. (ed.), Inflation, Depression, and Economic Policy in the West (Springer 1981).


Small J.P., Wax Tablets of the Mind: Cognitive Studies of Memory and Literacy in Classical Antiquity (Routledge, 1997).


Lewis K. et al., ‘The Structure of Online Activism’, Sociological Science, 2014.


Gabielkov M. et al., ‘Social Clicks: What and Who Gets Read on Twitter?’, ACM SIGMETRICS, 2016.


Цитаты из интервью автора с Дином Эклзом, август 2017 года.


Эту фразу приписывают ему, но первоисточник неизвестен.


Один из самых распространенных примеров отслеживания – Facebook Pixel. Источник: ‘Conversion Tracking’, Facebook for Developers, 2019. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-pixel.


Временные интервалы взяты из Lederer B., ‘200 Milliseconds: The Life of a Programmatic RTB Ad Impression’, Shelly Palmer, 9 June 2014.


Nsubuga J., ‘Conservative MP Gavin Barwell in “date Arab girls” Twitter gaffe’, Metro, 18 March 2013.


Albright J., ‘Who Hacked the Election? Ad Tech did. Through “Fake News,” Identify Resolution and Hyper-Personalization’, Medium, 30

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