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148. Francis W. Hirst, Wall Street and Lombard Street. The Stock Exchange Slump
of 1929 and the Trade Depression of 1930 (New York: Macmillan Company, 1931), pp. 6, 9.
149. Robinson, Monetary Mischief, p. 37.
150. Frank Simonds, Can Europe Keep the Peace? (New York: Blue Ribbon
Books, Inc., 1934), p. 307.
151. Lago Gil Aguado, 'The Creditanstalt Crisis of 1931 and the Failure of
the Austro-German Customs Union Project', HistoricalJournal, Vol. 44, No. 1 (2001), p. 201.
152. Lionel Robbins, The Great Depression (New York: Macmillan Company,
1934), p. 28, and Rueff, De Faube au crepuscule, p. 301.
153. R.J. Truptil, British Banks and the London Money Market (London:
Jonathan Cape, 1936), p. 289.
154. Walter A. Morton, British Finance, 1930-1940 (New York: Arno Press,
1978), pp. 32-4.
155. Clay, Lord Norman, p. 396.
156. Boyle, Nomian, p. 263.
157. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 203.
158. Kunz, The Battle, p. 84.
159. McFadden, Collected Speeches, p. 229.
160. Kunz, The Battle, p. 91.
161. Ibid., pp. 122, 130.
162. Paul Einzig, The liagedy of the Pound (London: Kegan, Paul, Trench,
Trubner 8c Co., Ltd., 1932), pp. 90-1.
163. Adams Brown, Gold Standard, p. 1015.
164. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 214.
165. Ibid.
166. Palyi, Tunlight of Gold, p. 155.
167. D. E. Moggridge, British Monetary Policy, 1924-1931. The Norman conquest of $4.86 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972),
168. Morton, British Finance, p. 45; emphasis added.
169. Williams, Pattern, p. 210.
170. Morton, British Finance, p. 46.
171. Boyle, Norman, p. 275.
172. Palyi, Twilight of Gold, p. 272.
173. Kindleberger, The World in Depression, 1929-1939 (New York: Penguin
Books, 1987), p. 157.
174. Robert Wolff, Economie etfinances de la France', passe et avenir(New York:
Brentano's, 1943), p. 175.
175. Hardy, Enough Gold?, p. 92.
176. Francis W. Hirst, Money, Gold, Silver and Paper (New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1934), p. 162, and Balachandran, John Bullion's Empire, p. 152.
177. Balachandran, John Bullion s Empire, p. 177.
178. Alvi, Occidente, p. 376.
179. Balachandran, John Bullion's Empire, p. 181.
180. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 218.
181. John Hargrave, Montagu Norman (New York: Greystone Press, 1942),
pp. 308-10.
182. I. Benoist-Mechin, Histoire deVarmee allemande (Paris: Editions Albin
Michel, 1966), Vol. 3, p. 11.
183. Chaitkin, Treason in America, p. 541.
184. Martin Broszat, Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar Germany (Leamington
Spa: Berg, 1987 [1984], p. 65.
185. Schacht, Autobiography, pp. 230-1.
186. Broszat, Hitler and the Collapse, p. 66.
187. Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936: Hubris (New York: W. W. Norton &
Co., 1998), p. 318.
188. Edward H. Carr, German-Soviet Relations between the Two World Wars,
1914-1939 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1951), p. 36.
189. Dimitri Volkogonov, Trotsky, the Eternal Revolutionary (New York: The
Free Press), p. 270. [Дмитрий Волкогонов, «Троцкий. Политический портрет». Москва, Новости, 1994 г.]
190. George F. Kennan, Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin (Boston:
Little, Brown 8c C, 1960), p. 286.
191. Ibid.
192. Simonds, Can Europe Keep the Peace?, p. 306.
193. Hjalmar Schacht, Das Ende der Reparationen (Oldenburg: Gerhard
Stalling, 1931), pp. 97-127.
194. Alvi, Occidente, p. 318.
195. Rosenberg, Storia della repubblica tedesca, p. 204.
196. Broszat, Hitler and the Collapse, p. 83.
197. Balderston, Origins and Causes, p. 313.
198. Eichengreen, Golden Fetters, p. 272.
199. Simonds, Can Europe Keep the Peace?, pp. 151-2.
200. Karl Erich Born, Die deutsche Bankenkrise 1931, Finanzen und Politik
(Miinchen: R. Piper 8c Co. Verlag, 1967), p. 100.
201. Boyle, Norman, p. 260.
202. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 196.
203. Adams Brown, Gold Standard, p. 1045.
204. Alvi, Occidente, pp. 512-13, and Rene Alleau, Hitler et les societes secretes.
Enquete sur les sources occulted du nazisme (Paris: Editions Bernard Grasset, 1969), p. 209.
205. Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve. The London Connection
(Staunton, VA: Bankers Research Institute, 1991), pp. 81, 98.
206. Paul M. Kennedy, The Rise of Anglo-German Antagonism, 1860-1914
(London: Ashfield Press, 1980), p. 304.
207. Arnold, The Bankers, p. 23.
208. Truptil, British Banks, p. 148.
209. David Williamson, TheBritish in Germany, 1918-1933. The Reluctant
Occupiers (New York: Berg Publishers, 1991), p. 43.
210. Broszat, Hitler and the Collapse, p. 90.
211. Leon Trotsky, The Struggle Against Fascism in4 Germany (New York:
Pathfinder Press, 1971 [1931-33]), p. 338.
212. Aldcroft, From Versailles to Wall Street, p. 95.
213. Garrett, The Rescue ofGerm any, p. 72.
214. Hans Mommsen, The Rise & Fall of the Weimar Democracy (Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1989), p. 339.
215. Udo Kissenkoetter, Gregor Straper und die NSDAP (Stuttgart:
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1978), p. 120.
216. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 433.
217. Henry A. Turner Jr., German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 117.
218. Quigley, Tragedy, pp. 429-30.
219. Tarpley and Chaitkin, Bush Biography, pp. 29-31; information recently
reconfirmed in the Sarasota Herald Tribune, November 12, 2000.
220. Robert Dell, Germany Unmasked (London: Martin Hopkins Ltd..,
1934), pp. 61-70.
221. Kershaw, Hubris, p. 404.
222. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 3, p. 77.
223. Heinrich August Winkler, La repubblica di Weimar, 1918-1933: storia
delta prima repubblica tedesca (Roma: Donzelli Editore, 1998 [1993]), pp. 651-652.
224. Ivan Maisky, Who Helped Hitler? (London: Hutchinson, 1964 [1962]),
pp. 16; 19.
225. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 433.
226. James Pool and Suzanne Pool, Who Financed Hitler. The Secret Funding
of Hitler's Rise to Power, 1919-1933 (London: MacDonald and Jane's), p. 444.
227. Karl R. Bopp, Hjalmar Schacht: Central Banker (University of Missouri
Studies, 1939), p. 62.
228. Stewart A. Stehlin, Weimar and the Vatican, 1919-1933 (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1983), p. 365.
229. Winkler, Weimar, p. 671.
230. John Gunther, Inside Europe (New York: Harper and Brothers,
1938), 41.
231. Hargrave, Montagu Norman, pp. 219-20.
Chapter 5
1. Reinhold Hoops, Englands Selbst-tauschung (Berlin: Zentralverlag NSDAP Franz Eher Nachfolger Gmbh, 1940), p. 37.
2. Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944 (New York: Farrar. Straus 8c Young, 1953), pp. 166, 259, 534, 507.
3. Ernst Jiinger, On theMarf?le Cliffs (Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1947, p. 93.
4. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Goethe's Faust Part Two (Prose translation by Max Dietz) (Pennsylvania: Biyn Mawr, 1949), p. 191.
5. Klaus Fischer, Nazi Germany. A New History (New York: Continuum, 1996), p. 268.
6. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope. A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan Company, 1966), p. 430.
7. I. Benoist-Me'chin, Histoire del'armee allemande (Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1966), Vol. 3, p. 87.
8. Jacques Delarue, Gestapo. A History of Horror (New York: Dell, 1964), p. 65.
9. Ibid.
10. John Toland, Adolf Hitler (Garden City, NY: Doubleday 8c Co., 1976), p. 569.
11. Fischer, Nazi Germany, p. 272.
12. Joseph Borkin, The Crime and Punishment of I. G. Farben (New York: The Free Press, 1978), p. 56.
13. John Cornwall, Hitler's Pope. The Secret History of Pius XII (New York: Viking, 1999), p. 154.
14. Hans Mommsen, 'The Reichstag Fire and Its Political Consequences', in
Hajo Holborn (ed.), Republic to Reich. The Making of the Nazi Revolution. Ten Essays (New York: Vintage, 1972), p. 147.
15. Andre Frangois-Poncet, The Fateful Years. Memoirs of a French Ambassador
in Berlin, 1931-1938 (London: Victor Gollancz, 1949), p. 55.
16. Mommsen, 'ReichstagFire', p. 150.
17. Delarue, Gestapo, p. 67.
18. Max Gallo, The Night of the Long Knives (New York: Da Capo Press, 1997
[1972]), pp. 41-2.
19. John Weitz, Hitler's Banker: Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1997), p. 140.
20. Delarue, Gestapo, pp. 70-71.
21. Frangois-Poncet, Fateful Years, p. 55.
22. Fischer, Nazi Germany, p. 285.
23. Ibid.
24. Gallo, Long Knives, p. 100.
25. Delarue, Gestapo, p. 141.
26. Douglas Reed, The Prisoner of Ottawa, Otto Strasser (London: Jonathan
Cape, 1953).
27. Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936: Hubris (New York: W. W. Norton 8c Co.,
1998), p. 515.
28. Frangois-Poncet, Fateful Years, p. 133.
29. Ibid., p. 153.
30. Edmond Vermeil, Germany s Three Reichs. Their History and Culture
(London: Andrew Dakers Limited, 1945), p. 291.
31. Paul Maquenne, Lheresie'economique allemande (Paris: Guerre 39, Union
Latine, 1940), p. 115.
32. Francois-Poncet, Fateful Years, p. 221.
33. Hans Ulrich Thamer, Terzo Reich (Verfuhrung und Gewalt, Deutschland
1933-1945) (Bologna: II Mulino, 1993 [1986]), p. 222.
34. Hjalmar Schacht, My First Seventy-six Years: The Autobiography of Hjalmar
Schacht (London: Alien Wingate, 1955), p. 295.
35. Karl Erich Born, Die Deutsche Bankenkrise 1931, Finanzen und Politik
(Munchen: R. Piper & Co. Verlag, 1967), p. 118.
36. N. J. Johannsen, A Neglected Point in Connection with Crises (New York: Augustus M. Kelley Publishers, 1971 [1908]), pp. 35, 80; emphasis added.
37. Born, Deutsche Bankenkrise, pp. 174ff.
38. Karl Schiller, Arbeitsbeschaffung und Finanzordnung in Deutschland
(Berlin: Junker und Dunnhaupt Verlag, 1936), pp. 35-67.
39. Jan Marczewski, Politique monetaire et financiere du III Reich (Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1941), p. 58.
40. Kenyon Poole, German Financial Policies 1932-1939 (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1939), p. 37.
41. Marczewski, Politique monetaire, pp. 32-3.
42. Poole, German Financial Policies, p. 47.
43. Schacht, Autobiography, p. 297.
44. Gallo, Long Knives, p. 158.
45. Schacht, Autobiography, p. 320.
46. Weitz, Hitler's Banker, p. 157.
47. Norbert Muhlen, Schacht: Hitler's Magician. The Life and Loans of of Dr.
Hjalmar Schacht (New York: Alliance Book Corporation, 1939), p. 157.
48. Schacht, Autobiography, p. 302.
49. Peter Padfield, Himmler, ReichsJuhrer-SS (London: Macmillan, 1990),
p. 115.
50. Hitler, Secret Conversations, p. 350.
51. Edward Norman Peterson, Hjalmar Schacht: For and Against Hitler
(Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1954), p. 149; emphasis added.
52. Poole, German Financial Policies, p. 29.
53. R.J. Overy, War and Economy in tfie Third Reich (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1994), p. 38.
54. Otto Nathan, Nazi War Finance and Banking (NBER Paper No. 20,
1944), p. 43.
55. Samuel Lurie, Private Investment in a Controlled Economy (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1947), p. 15.
56. Ibid., pp. 58-9.
57. Thamer, Terzo Reich, p. 414.
58. Avraham Barkai, Nazi Economics. Ideology, Theory and Policy (New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1990), p. 165.
59. Hitler, Secret Conversations, p. 372.
60. Poole, German Financial Policies, p. 111.
61. Lurie, Private Investment, p. 36, and Barkai, Nazi Economics, p. 255.
62. Marczewski, Politique monetaire, p. 88.
63. Poole, German Financial Policies, pp. 118-20.
64. Lurie, Private Investment, p. 158.
65. Ibid., p. 59.
66. Ibid., pp. 57-8, 154.
67. Barkai, Nazi Economics, p. 158.
68. Bank of England, OV 34/9, from two memoranda, respectively, by
G. H. S. Pinsent, 6 December 1938 (p. 79), and С. F. Cobbold, 24 August 1939 (p. 231).
69. О very, War and Economy, p. 42.
70. David Schoenbaum, Hitler's Social Revolution. Class and Status in Nazi
Germany, 1933-1939 (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1980 [1966]), pp. 145-8.
71. Schacht, Autobiography, p. 317.
72. Fischer, Nazi Germany, p. 377.
73. Stephen Roberts, The House That Hitler Built (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1938), p. 172.
74. H. W. Arndt, The Economic Lessons of the Nineteen Thirties (London:
Oxford University Press, 1944), pp. 187-8.
75. Bruno Bettelheim, Leconomie allemande sous le nazisme: un aspect
de la decadence du capitalisme (Paris: Librairie Marcel Riviere et Cie., 1946), p. 180.
76. Muhlen, Schacht, pp. 120-35.
77. Weitz, Hitler's Banker, p. 206.
78. Neil Forbes, Doing Business With the Nazis. Britain's Economic and
Financial Relations With Germany, 1931-1939 (London: Frank Cass, 2000), p. 97.
79. Ibid., p. 107.
80. Cleona Lewis, Nazi Europe and World Trade (Washington DC: Brookings
Institution, 1941), p. 16.
81. Forbes, Doing Business, p. 181.
82. Английский банк, Документ 34/201, стр. 10, меморандум, датированный 14 октября 1934 года, в котором говорится о моратории по ценным бумагам, выданным по выделенным до июля 1931 года кредитным линиям (выделено мною.— Г. П.), что можно расценить, как обеспечение для началa нового цикла заимствований германским импортёрам через такие краткосрочные ценные бумаги, которые возобновлялись тотчас после их оплаты.
83. John Gimther, Inside Europe (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1938),
p. 99.
84. Forbes, Doing Business, pp. 113, 116.
85. Ibid., pp. 173, 174.
86. Muhlen, Schacht, p. 35.
87. Martin Gilbert, The Roots of Appeasement (New York: New American
Library, 1966), p. 155.
88. Henry Clay, Lord Norman (London: Macmillan 8c Co., 1957),
pp. 318-22.
89. Dorothy Woodman, Hitler Rearms. An Exposure of Germany's War Plans
(London: John Lane; Bodley Head Limited, 1934), p. 201.