Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
McGrath. Elizabethan Catholicism. P. 422–425. Выражаю глубокую признательность профессору Макграту за консультацию по статусу семинаристов, перечисленных в: Anstruther G. The Seminary Priests. 2 vols.; Ware and Great Wakering, 1969–1975.
McGrath P. A Reply to Dr Haigh // Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 36. 1985. P. 405–406.
McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. London, 1967. P. 192–193.
Cf. Haigh. Revisionism. P. 399–400; Haigh. Puritan Evangelism in the Reign of Elizabeth I. English Historical Review, 92. 1977. P. 30–58; Haigh. Church of England. P. 195–219.
Haigh. Revisionism. P. 400.
Collinson. Elizabethan Church. P. 179.
An Apology of the Church of England / Ed. J. E. Booty. Folger Books, Charlottesville, Va., 1963, repr. 1974. P. 100–101, 120–121.
Haugaard. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. P. 247–272.
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe / Ed. G. Townsend. 8 vols. London, 1843–9; Haller W. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and the Elect Nation. London, 1963; Collinson. Elizabethan Church. P. 176.
Moulton W. F. The History of the English Bible. 5th edn., London, n. d. P. 150–180.
Collinson. Religion of Protestants. P. 232–234; Collinson. Elizabethan Church. P. 182; Haigh. Church of England. P. 211–212; Bennett H. S. English Books and Readers, 1558 to 1603. Cambridge, 1965. P. 146–148.
Collinson. Religion of Protestants. P. 242–283; Collinson. Elizabethan Puritan Movement. P. 159–239; Collinson. Elizabethan Church. P. 187–194.
Collinson. Religion of Protestants. P. 242–283. См. также Collinson. Elizabethan Puritan Movement, Collinson. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583: The Struggle for a Reformed Church. London, 1980; Seaver P. S. The Puritan Lectureships: The Politics of Religious Dissent, 1560–1662. Stanford, Ca., 1970.
Hill C. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. London, 1964. Repr. 1966; Lake P. Moderate Puritans and the Elizabethan Church. Cambridge, 1982; Dent С. M. Protestant Reformers in Elizabethan Oxford. Oxford, 1983. См. Также обзор Лэйка в English Historical Review, 102. 1987. 204–206.
Lake. Moderate Puritans. P. 282–286.
Ibid.; Haller W. The Rise of Puritanism. New York, Harper Torchbook edn., 1957. P. 83–172; Wallace D. D. Puritans and Predestination: Grace in English Protestant Theology, 1525–1695. Chapel Hill, NC, 1982. P. 43–55.
См. 9 главу.
Cf. Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. i. 351–353, 398–404; Elton G. R. The Parliament of England, 1559–1581. Cambridge, 1986. P. 216.
Collinson. Elizabethan Puritan Movement. P. 159–288, 303–316; Knappen M. M. Tudor Puritanism. Chicago, 1939; Elton G. R. The Tudor Constitution. Cambridge, 1960, 2nd edn., 1982. P. 442–461; Elton G. R. Parliament of England. P. 198–216.
Lake. Moderate Puritans. P. 284–285.
MacCulloch D. Suffolk and the Tudors: Politics and Religion in an English County, 1500–1600. Oxford, 1986. P. 192–219; MacCulloch D. Catholic and Puritan. P. 278–281.
Pulman M. B. The Elizabethan Privy Council in the Fifteen-Seventies. Berkeley, Ca., 1971. P. 52–63.
Guy J. A. The Privy Council: Revolution or Evolution? // Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. C. Coleman, D. R. Starkey. Oxford, 1986. P. 59–85; The English Court: From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War / Ed. D. R. Starkey. London, 1987. P. 1–24.
Guy J. A. The Cardinal’s Court: The Impact of Thomas Wolsey in Star Chamber. Hassocks, 1977; Hoak D. E. The King’s Council in the Reign of Edward VI. Cambridge, 1976; Smith A. G. R. The Government of Elizabethan England. London, 1967; Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 150–172.
Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 156.
Ibid. P. 164–168.
Ibid. P. 53.
Alsop J. D. The Structure of Early Tudor Finance, c. 1509–1558 // Revolution Reassessed / Ed. Coleman, Starkey. P. 156–162; Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 86–93.
Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 90.
Folger Shakespeare Library, MS459, fo. 23v; Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 87.
Alsop. Structure of Early Tudor Finance. P. 161–162; Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 87.
The Egerton Papers / Ed. J. P. Collier. Camden Society, OS12; London, 1840. P. 215–217; Collection of State Papers… left by William Cecil, LordBurghley / Ed. S. Haynes, W. Murdin. 2 vols. London, 1740–1759. ii. 809.
Elton G. R. The Tudor Revolution in Government. Cambridge, 1953. P. 276–289; см. с. 54.
A Collection of Original Letters from the Bishops to the Privy Council, 1564 // Camden Miscellany / Ed. M. Bateson. Camden Society, NS53, London, 1895.
Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 123–130; The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey / Ed. A. Hassell Smith, G. M. Baker, R. W. Kenny. 2 vols. Norwich, 1979–1983. ii. 201–204, 237–238, 265–267, 271–272, 274–276, 281–282, 286, 310–312.
Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 109.
Henry E. Huntington Library, Ellesmere MS6206B, fos. 14–23.
Графства можно было объединять в двойки или тройки: в 1587 году Берли назначили в объединенное лейтенантство Линкольншира, Эссекса и Хартфордшира; граф Пембрук руководил Уэльсом и приграничными марками. Впрочем, одно графство могло иметь двух или даже трех лейтенантов, действующих сообща, как, например, в Гемпшире и Сассексе.
Thomson G. S. Lords Lieutenants in the Sixteenth Century. London, 1923. P. 43–73; Hassell Smith A. County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558–1603. Oxford, 1986. P. 112–138; Cheyney E. P. A History of England from the Defeat of the Armada to the Death of Elizabeth. 2 vols.; London, 1914–1926. ii. 359–377.
Thomson. Lords Lieutenants. P. 73–83; Hassell Smith. County and Court. P. 127–133; Cruickshank C. G. Elizabeth’s Army. Oxford, 1946. 2nd edn., 1966. P. 19–21.
Youings J. A. Sixteenth-century England. Harmondsworth, 1984. P. 254–303; Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 139–149; Elton G. R. The Parliament of England, 1559–1581. Cambridge, 1986. P. 260–262; Tudor Economic