Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 120.
Ibid. P. 132.
Langbein J. H. Torture and the Law of Proof: Europe and England in the Ancien Regime. Chicago, 1977. P. 81–123; Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 211–212.
Pulman. Elizabethan Privy Council. P. 176–181.
Elton G. R. The Tudor Constitution. Cambridge, 1960. 2nd edn., 1982. P. 102–111.
Парламент созывался в 1559, 1563–1567 годах (сессии в 1563, 1566–1567 годах), 1571, 1572–1581 годах (сессии в 1572, 1576, 1581-м), 1584–1585, 1586–1587, 1589, 1593, 1597–1598 годах и 1601 году. Самые продолжительные сессии состоялись в 1559-м (15 недель), 1566–1567 годах (13 с половиной недель), в 1563-м (13 недель), в 1597–1598 годах (12 недель), в 1584–1585 годах (11 недель), 1586–1587 годах (10 недель), в 1581 (9 недель) и в 1571 году (8 недель). Другие сессии продолжались 7 с половиной недель (1572, 1589, 1601 годы), 7 недель (1593 год) и 5 недель (1576 год).
Не было парламентских сессий в следующие годы: 1560–1562, 1564–1565, 1568–1570, 1573–1575, 1577–1580, 1582–1583, 1588, 1590–1592, 1594–1596, 1599–1600, 1602–1603 (Елизавета умерла 24 марта 1603 года).
Neale J. E. The Lord Keeper’s Speech to the Parliament of 1592–1593 // English Historical Review, 31. 1916. P. 130; Roskell J. S. Perspectives in English Parliamentary History // Historical Studies of the English Parliament / Ed. E. B. Fryde, E. Miller, 2 vols. Cambridge, 1970. ii. 296–323.
De republica anglorum. Menston: Scholar Press edn., 1970. P. 34–35.
The House of Commons, 1553–1603 / Ed. P. W. Hasler. 3 vols. London, 1981; S. The House of Commons, 1509–1553 / Ed. T. Bindoff. 3 vols. London, 1982.
Neale J. E. Elizabeth land her Parliaments. 2 vols.; London, 1953–1957; repr. 1969, passim; Neale J. E. The Elizabethan House of Commons. London, 1949, rev. edn., 1963. Сходные тезисы см. в: Notestein W. The Winning of the Initiative by the House of Commons // Proceedings of the British Academy, 11. 1926. P. 125–176. Критику этой позиции см. в: Elton. Parliament of England; Elton. Parliament in the Sixteenth Century: Functions and Fortunes // Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1974–1983, iii. 156–182; Elton. Parliament // The Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. C. Haigh. London, 1984. P. 79–100; См. также его доклады, объединенные под названием: The Materials of Parliamentary History // Studies, iii. 58–155; Elton. Parliament // Studies, iii. 3–21; Graves M. A. R. The Tudor Parliaments: Crown, Lords and Commons, 1485–1603. London, 1985; Graves M. A. R. Thomas Norton the Parliament Man: An Elizabethan MP, 1559–1581 // Historical Journal, 23. 1980. P. 17–35; Graves M. A. R. The Management of the Elizabethan House of Commons: The Council’s «Men of Business» // Parliamentary History, 2. 1983. P. 11–38.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 378–379.
Select Documents of English Constitutional History, 1307–1485 / Ed. S. B. Chrimes, A. L. Brown. London, 1961. P. 11–17; Miller E. The Origins of Parliament. Historical Association, London, 1960, repr. 1967. P. 21–22.
Richardson H. G., Sayles G. O. Parliaments and Great Councils in Medieval England // The English Parliament in the Middle Ages. London, 1981. xxvi. 2.
Fleta, Bk. II, c. 2; Richardson, Sayles, xxvi. 2.
‘Pur voier le estat du reaume et pur treter des communes busoignes du roy et du reaume’; Richardson, Sayles, xxvi. 2 n. 1.
Miller. Origins. P. 22; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 378; Elton. Studies. iii. 3–21.
Richardson, Sayles, xxvi. P. 19–24.
Graves M. A. R. Elizabethan Parliaments, 1559–1601. London, 1987. P. 45.
Miller H. Henry VIII and the English Nobility. Oxford, 1986. P. 131–122, 255. Cf. Elton. Parliament of England. P. 378.
Ibid. P. 399–402.
Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. i. 177–240; Graves. Management. P. 12–13, 24; Jones N. L. Fine Tuning the Reformation // Law and Social Change in British History / Ed. A. Guy, H. G. Beale. London, 1984. P. 86–95.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 376; Graves. Management. P. 24–29; Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. i. 309–310.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 375–376; MacCaffrey W. T. Parliament: The Elizabethan Experience // Tudor Rule and Revolution / Ed. D. J. Guth J. W. McKenna. Cambridge, 1982. P. 137.
Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. ii. 133.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 343; Roskell J. S. The Commons and their Speakers in English Parliaments, 1367–1523. Manchester, 1965.
Graves. Management. P. 11–32; Graves. Thomas Norton. P. 17–35.
Graves. Management. P. 31.
Ibid. P. 16, 33 n. 35.
Ibid. P. 14; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 52.
Graves. Management. P. 14.
Данные взяты из таблиц в: The Statutes at Large. London, 1786 edn. Cf. Elton. Parliament // Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. Haigh. P. 94; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 52.
5 Eliz. I, c. 3; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 268; J. Pound. Poverty and Vagrancy in Tudor England. London, 1971, repr. 1978. P. 45.
14 Eliz. I, c. 5; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 269–271; Williams P. The Tudor Regime. Oxford, 1979. P. 200; Pound. Poverty and Vagrancy. P. 47–48.
18 Eliz. I, c. 3; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 270–271; Williams. Tudor Regime. P. 200.
39 Eliz. I, c. 3; 43 Eliz. I, cc. 2, 3; Pound. Poverty and Vagrancy. P. 53–57.
39 Eliz. I, c. 5; 43 Eliz. I, c. 4.
39 Eliz. I, c. 4.
Beier A. L. Masterless Men: The Vagrancy Problem in England, 1560–1640. London, 1985. См. с. 43–44.
Woodward D. The Background to the Statute of Artificers: The Genesis of Labour