Краткая биография путешественника - Владимир Лысенко
(1)USA, (2)Canada, (3)Mexico,(4)Guatemala, (5)Salvador, (6)Honduras, (7)Nicaragua, (8)Costa Rica, (9)Panama. (10)Colombia, (11)Equador, (12)Peru, (13)Chile, (14)Argentina, (15)South Africa, (16)Zimbabwe, (17)Zambia, (18)Tanzania, (19)Kenya, (20)Uganda, (21)Ethiopia, (22)Sudan, (23)Egypt, (24)Libya, (25)Tunis, (26)Italy, (27)Portugal, (28)Spain, (29)France, (30)Belgium, (31)Luxemburg, (32)Germany, (33)Czech Republic, (34)Slovakia, (35)Ukraine, (36)Russia, (37)Mongolia, (38)Australia, (39)Indonesia, (40)Malaysia, (41)Thailand, (42)Myanmar, (43)Bangladesh, (44)India, (45)Nepal, (46)China, (47)Kazakhstan, (48)Kirghizia, (49)Uzbekistan, (50)Tadjikistan, (51)Moldavia, (52)Romania, (53)Byelorussia, (54)Finland, (55)Norway, (56)Algeria, (57)Mali, (58)Guinea, (59)Senegal, (60)Brazil.
Vladimir made the extraordinary Round-the-world car tour and have crossed all continents from-and-to their extreme points, which it is possible to reach in a car. He had crossed: (a)America from Pradho Bay (Arctic Ocean, Alaska, USA) to Fiery Land island (Lapataia, Argentina), (b)Africa from Aghulas Cape (South Africa, the southest point of Africa) to Ras-Angela Cape (Tunis, the northest point of Africa), (c)EuropeAsia from Roca Cape (Portugal, the westernest point of Europe) to Galimiy (Russia, the easternest point of Asia, which it is possible to reach in a car) and Magadan, (d)Australia from Cape Byron (the easternest point of Australia) to Steep Point (the westernest point). Then, additionally to Round-the-world trip, Lysenko have crossed also Australia from Cape York (the northest point) to South Point (the southest point), Indonesia (Island Jawa) and EuropeAsia from Cape Piai (Malaysia, the southest point of Asia) to Cape Nordkap (Norway, the northest point of Europe and the northest point of EuropeAsia, which it is possible to reach in a car), have crossed Africa in a westerly direction from Somali to Dakar and America from the west to the east - from Anchor Bay (Alaska) to Cape Cabu-Branku (Brazil) (the easternest point of America). Total length of route is 140,000 kilometers.
Dr.Lysenko's e-mail address is [email protected] (for V.I.Lysenko), home phone in Russia (3832)33-91-12 (he live in Novosibirsk).